ok... so I have really not been holding up my end of the bargin with my blog.... I really am not sure why, but believe it is that thing called life.... and it has been hectic! Let me bring you up to speed....
Ash and Andy are well settled in to thier new home and spending thier first winter on the lake... as Ash says, it is so beautiful in the summer... but oh do you pay in the winter - but, they have been enjoying it, painting, putting in new windows, planning for a pellet stove install perhaps next year and the knock down of a wall which will allow them to move the dining room expanding the living area and making war for the new stove... awesome
Michelle and Jason are in the slow, long, slow process of building on. Our little Shelby is almost a year old... WOW.... and Grady will be three in March.... they are the lights of my life.... The are going to come tomorrow for a sleep over at Nannies.... we will cheer for the Steelers as they hopefully POUND the Ravens in the play offs.... which brings me to the house~~
yes, we are STILL here... Sam has the house on the market and even through the snowy weather we are getting internet hits... I am encouraged, and not feeling like nothing is hapening.... Sam is good and doing a great job on the listing... we dropped our price in the hope of inticing a buyer... this will be a lovely home for a new family, just as it has been for us.... I am doing good, given how impatient I am, at, being patient... I know beyond all things, that everything happens in God's oh so perfect timing....
I am looking intensly and continuing to research RV's.... the fifth wheel option is down to two, maybe three.... and the motorhome option, YES, has revealed two floor plans that I do like very much... we will see.. I stop in to visit in silence my pals over at Heartland Owners Forum... but try not to comment as I think they were growing tired of my sharing the journey from stick and brick to full time RV living...
if you happen by here, and are covered in snow... I feel your pain. If you happen by and are in the sun (I know it is shining somewhere) then next winter, I hope to be with you