Friday, April 8, 2011

so uh, I must be stupid

I have to say, really, I just don't get it..... we are only hours from a partial shut down of OUR govt~ so.... I am trying to understand this all... one thing I have a grip on is both parties are relentlessly arguing thier points "on behalf of the american people" - uh, ok.....

so why is it that if the Fed Gvt does shut down, those who are shutting it down will still get paid? BUT our brave militiary who by no choice of their own, are in harms way, far from home, will not get paid???????? WHAT???????? so they are to be fighting away in the mountains and deserts someplace wondering if thier families at home are getting evicted and have any electricity bc they won't have a pay check....

AND, before they start whacking at medicare, which, by the way we are all paying in to keep this in mind your fello baby boomers whos kids are now in thier 30's and will never see a dime WHY dont they shut off the money faucet to say, uh, CHINA?? India?? YEMEN??? Why do we send them financial aide anyway?? I mean, CHINA???????? they rec more fed dollars from us, in the name of support than any other foreign country on the face of the earth! Check it out, do some research~~ China, REALLY????????

for pete sake, I have never seen the likes of it..... our Country, our people, deserve better than the juvenile, selfish dingos in DC....

just my commentary~~

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