Sunday, March 27, 2011

lessons learned~

who says an old dog can't learn new tricks??? after visiting my pea pod and paying very close attention to every detail of her creating her amazing pasta and vegies~ AHHHHHHH before you go and tell your self, ahhh heck, that sounds so easy, well.. trust me and many destroyed attempts - it ain't! anyway~ when I came home I first thing went to the store (we do not have a market here-sure wish we did) and gathered the necessary items- off to the meat market (ok, it is like a big overgorwn butcher shop that does sell fresh veggies year round - fresh from where - not sure on that one~~ but nevertheless -

and this attempt, which by the way Ash made look so easy~~ chop this, toss that, add a pinch or 5, crush some garlic~~ took my concentrated effort BUT I am thrilled to say it was fantastico! it even passed the Grady test- Nanny this is good! YEAH I FINALLY DID IT!!

it occured to me that the times of my teaching the kiddos, a little of this, a little of that have changed.... my little girl in the city taught me the secret of making pasta with veggies....and the coolest way in the world to freeze chicken BTW~~ haha....

it was sunny today and I cleaned and moved Mom's bedroom around in preperation for summer~ Friday I plan to purchase her a new recliner - she goes through them in about 4 years but that is where she spends most of her time~~ I am not sure what this week will bring so today I cooked and cooked making meals ahead and putting them in the freezer for quick dinners.... our little Shelby is sick and has been fighting whatever she has for a week... the doc feels she may be asthmatic~~ time will tell... we pray not....

Ash is in La today heading for Houston where she will spend the night~ Mich is taking care of her little ones and running on exhaustion.... Grady I am sure is playing tractors.....  G is doing okay for which I am so thankful... the days of not being at the hospital are treasures beyound measure....

thnxx Ash for yet another lesson~~ this time, I done good~~

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